Why Nelson Wurth Consulting?


Compliance and Finance Help

Campaigns are intense. Did you knock on enough doors, raise enough money, or spend enough on advertising? There are important decisions to make and never enough time to make them. Save your campaign the headache of figuring out campaign finance laws on top of all that and let us focus on the small details for you. Are you a new candidate running for office and need someone to track your budgets and cash flow? Or handle the data entry for your required reports and make sure they are reported timely? Or perhaps you’re an established campaign that wants to transition to a payroll service but don’t know where to begin? Nelson Wurth Consulting, LLC is here to help your campaign with the small but important details to ensure your records and reports are accurate and transparent, your committee is in compliance, and, most of all, that you have time to focus on the big picture – winning!





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